It’s interesting how many times we completely overlook things until they are brought to our attention. I never noticed mobile offices or storage containers on jobsites until I started working for a company that specializes in those products. Now I see mobile offices and storage containers everywhere.
Last weekend, I went and got a haircut – not a terribly extraordinary event, but it started a series of weird coincidences that underscored this idea. I was sitting in the waiting area at Heads and Tales barber shop in my home town and noticed an autographed picture of astronaut David Wolf. It read something like, “To the guys at Heads and Tales for the best hair cut on Earth.” I thought, that’s pretty cool, I wonder what David Wolf has been doing since his space mission. I remembered his first space flight being a pretty big deal since he was from Indiana but couldn’t remember hearing or reading anything about his career after that.
Tuesday evening, I was on the north east side of Indianapolis for a training class. I was driving down 82nd street and happened to notice that I was driving over the Astronaut David A. Wolf Bridge.
Wednesday morning, I’m going back across the Astronaut David A. Wolf Bridge heading in for day two of Salesforce admin training while listening to Bob and Tom talk to Dr. David Wolf about his upcoming space flight.
I’ve been in that barber shop at least 100 times, probably saw that picture on most of those visits, but never really paid attention to it. There’s a blog post in there all about repetition and using different media to market, probably ties in Burger King’s campaign, “where you were when you first heard about BK ribs,” and at least a paragraph about chipotle.
After hearing the interview on Bob and Tom, I did some research on astronaut David Wolf. Most of the movies and TV shows that I like revolve around space travel so astronauts rank high on the list of people I find interesting. Astronaut and doctor David A. Wolf – brilliant.